The Kingfisher - Advanced Level 3

The Kingfisher - Advanced Level 3

As soon as I saw this photo I wanted to paint it! I've always liked the shallow depth of field you can get with a photograph. The depth it creates really gives the subject 'punch' and the fast shutter speed freezes the subject in mid air allowing us to see each detail in the feathers and water droplets. It was a fun lesson to paint and even though it's more suited to an advanced student, I encourage everyone to give it a go.

Difficulty: Advanced
Panel Size: 16 x 16 inches
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set
Painting surface used in this lesson: Exhibition Panel

Oil Paints:
Titanium White
Cobalt Blue
Winsor Yellow
Winsor Lemon
Ivory Black
Dioxazine Purple
Sap Green
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Burnt Umber
Cerulean Blue
Cadmium Orange
French Ultramarine
Prussian Blue
Alizarin Crimson

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The Kingfisher - Advanced Level 3