Sunshine & Puddles - Advanced Level 3

Sunshine & Puddles - Advanced Level 3

I was drawn to this scene after having many requests to include puddles in my lesson library. Despite the sun shining in this scene the sky retains a post-rain moodiness, with tyre tracks in the mud and fine grass details offering some interesting features. I thoroughly enjoyed this lesson, and although time consuming it comes together rather quickly. There are many elements which provide you with the opportunity to hone new skills and develop techniques learnt in previous lessons.

Difficulty: Advanced
Panel Size: 12 x 12 inches
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set, Series 10 Synthetic Filbert Brush size 2 & 4, Series 12 Synthetic Bristle Flat Size 3, Series 3 Tree & Texture Size 1/4, Super Fine Rigger Brush size 5/0,
Painting surface used in this lesson: Artists Exhibition Panel

Oil Paints:
Alizarin Crimson
Burnt Umber
Cerulean Blue
Dioxazine Purple
Ivory Black
French Ultramarine
Sap Green
Titanium White
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre

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Sunshine & Puddles - Advanced Level 3