How to Paint a Simple Landscape

How to Paint a Simple Landscape

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This is a scene that reminds me of my early years as a professional artist and it’s very typical of the type of subject matter that I was looking for at that time. It’s an uncomplicated scene in both colour and technique, but there’s enough in it to be an attractive smaller painting.

Although this subject matter is far from simple, this lesson will give students at the beginner and intermediate levels, the challenge of creating a landscape painting without the need for learning complicated techniques. The general colouring throughout is very even, which gives an overall softness to the landscape, so colour mixing is more than achievable for the majority of less experienced artists.

Good Luck,

Difficulty: Beginner
Painting Size: 13 x 13
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set

In August 2019 Michael switched brush manufacturers and as a result the series numbers/names are different in some of the lessons. In order to be able to complete the lessons regardless of which set you’re using we have put together a chart which lists the equivalent brushes from both sets.

Acrylic paints used in this lesson:
Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Alizarin Crimson
Burnt Umber
Winsor Lemon
Cadmium Orange
Cerulean Blue
Ivory Black

Oil paints used in this lesson:
Titanium White
Cadmium Orange
Dioxazine Purple
Sap Green
Ivory Black
Winsor Lemon
Alizarin Crimson
Cerulean Blue
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Yellow
Phthalo Green (Yellow shade)
Burnt Umber

White Spirit

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How to Paint a Simple Landscape