Pebble Beach - Intermediate Level 3

Pebble Beach - Intermediate Level 3

I’ve been looking for something a little bit different for a while now, and as a golf enthusiast I’ve thoroughly enjoyed painting this scene. For those who are familiar with golf courses this is the 7th hole at Pebble Beach in California.
This lesson has a very dramatic feel with lots of interesting elements! I chose this scene for it’s sense of atmospheric perspective, from the smooth, dark and moody sky to the bright and detailed stippled grass. You will be able to hone your painting techniques and learn new skills, in this tutorial.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Panel Size: 12 x 16 inches
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set
Painting surface used in this lesson: Artists Exhibition Panel

Oil Paints:
Alazarin Crimson
Burnt Umber
Cadmium Orange
Cerulean Blue
Dioxazine Purple
French Ultra Marine
Ivory Black
Sap Green
Titanium White
Winsor Yellow

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Pebble Beach - Intermediate Level 3