Lofoten - Advanced Level 1

Lofoten - Advanced Level 1

Although there are enough details for it to be a challenge to most, the soft, subdued lighting limits the contrast making this, on the whole, a simpler scene to paint. Colour mixing is probably the most testing aspect but you're in good hands! I'll guide you through every second ;)


Difficulty: Advanced
Panel Size: 12 x 16 inches
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set
Painting surface used in this lesson: Artists Exhibition Panel

Oil Paints:
Titanium White
French Ultramarine
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Lemon
Ivory Black
Sap Green
Burnt Umber
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Orange
Dioxazine Purple

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Lofoten - Advanced Level 1