Hair Study - Advanced Level 3

Hair Study - Advanced Level 3

I’ve been asked a few times to include detailed instructions on how to paint realistic hair. I decided to go “all out” in this lesson and concentrate on these fine delicate details! Finding an image that would really test you (and me) and help to develop techniques and skills, was a challenge in itself!
I was taken a little out of my comfort zone with this lesson! But this is the best way to improve, and I think there is always room for improvement.
It’s a very interesting lesson and I’ve learnt a lot more than I thought I would. Painting hair up so close, and with so much detail enabled me to refine my technique and challenged me which is great! I enjoyed this learning experience, I encourage you to test yourself and give it a go!

Difficulty: Advanced
Panel Size: 12 x 12 inches
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set
Painting surface used in this lesson: Artists Exhibition Panel

Oil Paints:
Alazarin Crimson
Burnt Umber
Cerulean Blue
Dioxazine Purple
Ivory Black
Titanium White
Winsor Yellow

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Hair Study - Advanced Level 3