Golden Blossoms - Advanced Level 3
This tranquil woodland stream landscape offers many exciting elements. The combination of the flowing water, textured tree trunks, and lush greenery offer a perfect chance to refine your painting skills. Practice texture, depth, detail, and master light and shadow techniques.
Difficulty: Advanced
Painting Surface: 12 x 16 inches
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set & The Additions Professional Brush Set.
Painting surface used in this lesson: Oil & Acrylic Card
Acrylic Paints:
Burnt Umber
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Dioxazine Purple
French Ultramarine
Ivory Black
Sap green
Titanium White
Oil Paints:
Autumn Orange
Burnt Umber
Cerulean Blue
Lamp Black
Lemon Yellow
Sap Green
Titanium White
Viridian Hue
Yellow Medium
Golden Blossoms Reference Photo.jpg
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Golden Blossoms Sketching Diagram.jpg
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