Champagne Glass - Intermediate level 2

Champagne Glass - Intermediate level 2

The subject of this lesson couldn’t be any more different to what you normally see me paint and so requires a total reprogramming of mind! I wanted to move away (temporarily) from subjects that are in the large part technique based (like Landscapes) and get back to basics, the simple application of flat colour, no complex mixing and no invention.

This un-complicated picture is perfect for the intermediate artist and a good gentle test for the beginner. A steady hand and good brush control is the difference between make or break with this one. I encourage you to study the sketching diagram and make sure the proportions are correct to achieve the best result. Good luck and I look forward to seeing how you get on.

Best of luck,

Difficulty: Intermediate
Panel Size: 10 x 15
Brushes used in this lesson: Michael James Smith Professional Brush Set

In August 2019 Michael switched brush manufacturers and as a result the series numbers/names are different in some of the lessons. In order to be able to complete the lessons regardless of which set you’re using we have put together a chart which lists the equivalent brushes from both sets.

Acrylic paints used in this lesson:
Titanium White
Cadmium Orange
Cobalt Blue
Ivory Black
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Dioxazine Purple
Burnt Umber

Oil paints used in this lesson:
Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Alizarin Crimson
Cobalt Blue
Ivory Black
Winsor Lemon
Cadmium Orange
Dioxazine Purple
Burnt Umber

White Spirit

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Champagne Glass - Intermediate level 2